Fairfax Family Law Firm
Decades of Experience
The team at Wexell Milman understands the impact that divorce can have on a person’s life. You decided to marry or start building a life with another person. Along the way, children may have been born, assets and debts accumulated, and lives intertwined. But when the marriage or relationship does not last — as happens almost 40% of the time — what then?
If you are considering, or are already going through, a separation or divorce, or if you are facing post-divorce issues, it is important to have an attorney you trust to help you achieve your goals and minimize the damage caused by separation and divorce. Since 1981, the family law firm to call for this kind of help is Wexell Milman.
Trusted & Respected in the Legal Community
Sensitive to the difficult nature of separation and/or divorce and related issues, we pride ourselves on being thoroughly prepared, aggressively advocating for our clients, and being responsive to the needs of each individual client. While we attempt, whenever possible, to achieve reasonable, cost-effective solutions outside of divorce court, we are just as comfortable in the courtroom as we are at the negotiating table.
At Wexell Milman, our high level of integrity and professionalism have earned our lawyers the trust and respect of their colleagues in the legal community. We welcome the opportunity to earn your trust and respect as well.
Our firm offers decades of experience with Virginia family and domestic relations law and the courts handling these types of cases. In fact, our practice is dedicated primarily to these and collateral matters.
To schedule an initial consultation, call our law offices at (703) 454-5448 or complete and submit our online contact form. Daytime, early evening, and Saturday morning consultations are available by appointment. Major credit cards are accepted.